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当我还是个小女孩的时候,我爷爷教我如何钓鱼. At first, I thought fishing was boring and a waste of my time, so I simply just didn’t like it. I didn’t like the idea of doing the same thing over and over again and waiting and waiting for something to finally happen. But at least I got to spend some good quality time with my grandpa, so I was happy.
All day we paddled up and down the lake looking for new spots where we thought the fish would finally bite. 经过一段时间的寻找,我们终于找到了我们的位置! 湖的一角,在一根老木头下面. I still remember feeling my line pull and yelling to my grandpa that I had a bite! 他说:“快钩!” So I pulled as hard as I could and reeled the fish in like my life depended on it. I slid it to the side of the boat where my grandpa took my fish off the hook for me. 盯着我的鱼,脸上咧着嘴笑, 我记得我感到的纯粹的快乐和解脱.
Now, you may be asking yourself, “Why is this girl telling a story about fishing with her grandpa?“嗯, 那天晚上我们开车回家的时候, 他告诉我, “我把你带到这里来,是要给你上宝贵的一课, 艾玛. I know you are just a little girl, but you already have so many goals and dreams. 在生活中, 当你努力达到某样东西的时候, 你必须做好准备, 努力工作,有时甚至战略性地思考.  这就是你刚刚学到的钓鱼知识.”
我明白了. 当你出去钓鱼时,你必须努力才能钓到鱼. 你得把鱼竿投在最合适的位置. You have to tighten up your line and you might even need to give it a little jiggle once in a while. 在做所有这些事情时,你为自己的成功做好了准备. But just because you did everything right doesn’t mean the fish will bite right away. 最重要的是你要有耐心和专注, 因为当你的鱼咬你的时候, 这是你的机会! You have to hook it right away or else it could swim away and even sometimes take your worm with it.
就像在曲棍球比赛中一样,你必须坚持不懈,保持专注. You must have the proper preparation to put yourself in situations to improve your game and you must make sure that you work really hard. 如果你做到了所有这些, then you put yourself in a good position for success and to give yourself opportunities, 不管是什么.  
The message I want you to take away from my little fishing story is this; Whatever your goals are in life, 无论是在运动中, 学校, 一份事业或者别的什么, 让你做的每件事都有意义. 这意味着做好身体和/或精神上的准备, finding yourself an environment that challenges you for the better and most importantly working hard in anything and everything you do focused on your goals. And remember the most valuable lesson fishing can teach you is to be patient and ready, 因为当鱼咬人或者机会出现的时候, 你必须准备好钩住它,不要让它游走.

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